Who I Am

Musician, Mentor, Lover.

These are the three words I use to describe myself. My name is Landon and I’ve been making music for as long as I can remember. It comes naturally to me. I am always growing as an artist. There’s certainly a lot to learn, but I love it. So the work is always worth it. I am full of ideas and can’t wait to explore them.

I’ve lived in Michigan for a few years now. I grew up in Texas, lived in Oklahoma for a while. Though I have great friends in both of those places, I’ve always felt a bit odd for the culture there. Then again, I basically live on the internet anyways. Just now getting into social media, but I’ve been lurking since the early days of 4chan. End result, I’m kind of eccentric, but surprisingly social for someone who grew up online.

Free-spirited and adventurous. Typically more than people are ready for. Wisdom and Charisma haven’t failed me yet. I’m what you’d call a Protagonist. Definitely the chillest person I know. I care about those I keep close and live to share my experience with the world. Most importantly, I love to have fun. Life should be lived smiling as much as you can.

Been playing guitar for over a decade now. But at this point I dabble with just about any instrument I can get my hands on. Been building my mixing skills and working on my voice over the course of this last year. Grew up around a lot of 80’s music, pop and metal alike. I could go on forever about bands that have inspired me or what I’m listening to now. My tastes are pretty eclectic, but I always come back to pop-punk, post-hardcore, and prog. Then again, I’ll get on random coffeehouse or techno kicks. I’ve got a soft spot for Taylor Swift’s newer stuff too. The production is seriously on point. I also enjoy ambient and post-rock.

That’s about all I can come up with right now. Feel free to ask questions. I’m always open to conversation.



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